I see ya. I love ya. i gotcha, mama!

Gotcha Mama

— Christie Rocha, host of the Sass Says podcast

"Oh my goodness - sooo much support and insight from you and the members. I walk away from every call with something new to think about or even a new idea. I genuinely look forward to them every month and am disappointed if I have to miss."

"Multiple podcast trades and ideas for sharing the podcast, plus peace of mind knowing i am on the right track."

- Lisa Lizotte, host of the Habits & Home Show

"Connecting and networking, building friendships, sharing ideas with each other” 

- Sarah Bilger, host of the Entering Motherhood podcast

“Community, motivation, resources"

- Merrit Onsa, host of the Devoted Dreamers podcast

"It's helpful to hear what others are doing with their podcast; the call I was on inspired me to think about things I haven't considered before."

Gotcha Mama is a podcast all about sharing honest stories of the joys and struggles of mom-life with young kids.

Each week you’ll hear from moms just like you, highlighting an important part of how she experiences motherhood. From awkwardly making mom friends, to chasing BIG dreams and finding purpose in the middle of motherhood, to managing crippling anxiety and depression.

You’re not alone as a busy mom of young kiddos, no matter your circumstances.

This show is all about tearing down our insecurities and unrealistic expectations as moms by honestly sharing our stories, and a little of what we've learned along the way.

It's riding the roller coaster of motherhood together.

great moms struggle too

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Get Anything You Want in Life


Meditation for Beginners (3 Steps!)


The Story Behind my 1st $20k month


Being a Future Based Thinker

tell me more!

 I'm Amanda - a wife, mom of two, podcaster, and child of the 80's. Click below to read more of my story.


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Now that the Journey song “Don’t Stop Believin’ ” is playing in your head… Think about what you liked to play as a child. What you looked forward to doing. Maybe it was drawing, or “teaching school”, or building impressive “worlds” out of legos. Or maybe you choreographed dances to Paula Abdul songs and recorded […]

Don’t Stop Believing in Your Dreams with Felicity Fox

Mental Health

Gotcha Mama Podcast guest Felicity Fox with her children's book

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I messed up!! I want to share with you how I messed up and what I learned from it in hopes that it helps you to not make the same mistake I did. First, though I want to address the word ‘should’. I really don’t like the word ‘should’ because it’s so against my view […]

One Thing You Should Consider Before Hiring a Doula

Mental Health

Gotcha Mama Host Amanda Bennett

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What do you want your children to learn from you about love? Here’s an even better question, what’s one word you think of when you think about love? For my guest today, her earliest memories of what she thought love was centered around anxiety and feeling uncomfortable. Later, as she began dating, she found herself […]

Discovering How to Love Yourself with Stephanie McPhail

Mental Health

Gotcha Mama Podcast guest Stephanie McPhail

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My guest on this episode of the Gotcha Mama podcast is mom, wife, and super smart, no-nonsense marriage coach for moms, Michelle Purta. Michelle gives some amazing advice on how to navigate a healthy marriage with little kids running around the house. She is on a mission to help moms empower themselves to create the […]

Creating the Marriage You Want with Michelle Purta


Gotcha Mama podcast guest Michelle Purta

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What dreams has God put on your heart in this season of life as a mom of young kids? Maybe you haven’t even given yourself the time or freedom to let yourself dream. Or maybe you’re discouraged because you feel like there are so many obstacles in the way of achieving your dreams right now. […]

Pursuing Your God-Sized Dreams in Motherhood with Jess Carey

Mental Health

Gotcha Mama podcast guest Jess Carey

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This is Episode 30 of the Gotcha Mama podcast! Which feels kind of like a milestone to me, SO I wanted to do something a little different. Usually, this first Tuesday of the month would be a solo episode. But I asked my guest, friend, mama, and fellow motherhood podcaster, Rachel Olson, to come on […]

You Are Definitely NOT Alone with Rachel Olson

Mental Health

Gotcha Mama podcast guest Rachel Olson

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Get Anything You Want in Life


Meditation for Beginners (3 Steps!)


The Story Behind my 1st $20k month


Being a Future Based Thinker

tell me more!

 I'm Amanda - a wife, mom of two, podcaster, and child of the 80's. Click below to read more of my story.
